Sunday, September 21, 2014

I Took A Walk.

2014, you've got 3 more months left, but I must admit, I feel like you have been kicking my butt a lot.

Many personal things have happened from the start of this year. Some things deeply personal, which I have shared only with my family and somethings which I have shared with some of my closest friends.

So, I decided to take a walk.
To think about things.

It's interesting that the older you get the more you learn about humans.

You learn things about trust.
You things about loyalty.
You learn to see things from a broader perspective.
And mostly, I've learned to see the good in every situation.

I remember as a kid I was speaking to this young adult and I told him: "I can't wait to be older!!"

I was exasperated with my parents because I wanted the freedom and liberty of being an adult and making decisions.

The guy told me immediately "No, No, NO! You do not want to grow up! Enjoy being a kid. Being an adult SUCKS!"

Well, I'm here to tell you that he was wrong.

Yes, the older you get, the more responsibilities you have.
The more you learn about the world and how cruel and unkind people can be.
You see how unfair life is sometimes.

But even with all those things; there is still beauty and good.

Things do suck sometimes.
People may also suck.
And on some days, life just feels out of control.

But you have to see the good in it all. You have to make like beautiful for yourself.
So I took a walk to be alone and remind myself  "I am ok. It will all be ok."

So if you're going through a rough week, month, year or decade; I'm here to tell you that it will be ok. 
Try to look for the sparks of goodness in every situation and you will begin to notice them more often.
Those sparks will eventually become brighter and brighter.

If you find yourself being overwhelmed by life, I encourage you to:
Take a break. Go and take a walk.



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