Thursday, March 28, 2013

No Gym, No Problem: Part 2

How was Week 1 of "No Gym, No Problem"? Did you manage to keep up and workout three times a week? How do you feel?

I hope you've been keeping up. This whole process of becoming more active takes your effort, your dedication and your determination. You have to want this for yourself. You have to want it more than just having a great body. You have to want this for yourself. Working out is the one thing you can do for yourself that can be entirely just for you. But YOU have to do it! No excuse is good enough to allow yourself by not taking care of yourself.

This week, I challenge you to evaluate your life and see what things you have given a high value. The things you value the most are the things you make time for. Nobody ever has time. YOU MAKE time! I am going to challenge myself this week by budgeting my time. I will use sticky notes and record how I use each waking hour. I will literally log my time. Each sticky note will represent a high currency of an hour. My budget is the hours I am awake. At the end of the week, I will look back on my time log and see what things I am giving great value. I will review how well my budget is. This will give me the platform to make re-evaluate and reorganize my life so that I can get the maximum value out of every second. This week, time is money.

Here's the workout for this week:

Record your time each session.

Here are  video links on how to perform each exercise:

This a Cardio Blaster. It is simple and effective. Give it your maximum effort. The more effort you put, the more you burn.

If you want an added challenge. After the circuit go out for a fast 12 minute run/walk. Record your distance and time.

Let me know how it goes.

Any questions?
Feel free to ask :)




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