Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can you see it: Cold Shower

This summer I challenge you to take in EVERYTHING. And not just the obvious things. Go outside expecting and intentionally wanting to experience something new.

I feel like for the past two years I've missed a spark. I have felt such a lack of passion for living. Don't get me wrong. I was not depressed. Not in the least. In fact I was perfectly happy... BUT my days weren't filled with a drive, purpose or excitement that I know I have. My living just seemed lacking. I feel as though I have been waiting for life to happen to me, instead of me happening to life.

But I'm getting it back this summer.

This summer, I am so fortunate that I am travelling to my dream city, NEW YORK! I will be living in New York City for two months. So, I am going to be a New Yorker... for two months at least. And I will use up every single second and hour I have there. I want to take it all in. I will meet the most amazing people AND put myself in places for the greatest opportunities.

I don't want to miss it.
I don't want to miss the beauty that is life.
Hence my series: Can you see it.

This means that from here on, I will do my best to intentionally take in EVERYTHING. I will appreciate the obvious and seek the small amazing but seemingly significant things. I will live beyond myself. I will create my own adventure. I will be open to connect with strangers.

And it is going to be beautiful.

First challenge I set for myself is to take a cold shower. Then after that, write a list of 5 things I will do in New York. Things absolutely outside my comfort zone but things I absolutely have always wanted to do. I got inspired to do this by Jerome Jarre, he is a French entrepreneur and a successful Vine person. Apparently, when taking a cold shower, your body releases serotonin. This hormone helps to keep your mood up. Its a powerful hormone our body releases. That is why after a cold shower, beyond the initial screaming and cussing of the first hit of the liquid ice, you feel invincible. Refreshed. Inspired. 

I will be doing this today.

I challenge you to do it with me too. Take a proper cold shower. Then write down 5 things that you will do this month that lead you outside your comfort zone. If you can't think of 5 things, then write 4 or 3 or 2 or even just 1. The only rule with these goals you set yourself is that must be a maximum of 5 challenges and a minimum of 1, and they must be accomplished in 30 days. Each time you accomplish the challenge you set for yourself, WRITE IT DOWN. document it somewhere. And celebrate your bravery.

What are some of the challenges you are setting yourself this month?
I want to know.

Can you see it?



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