Monday, January 20, 2014

240 hours in Zimbabwe || Christmas in Africa - [Part 2]

On Part 1 of my 240 Hours in Zimbawe trip I shared pictures of my family's Christmas trip to the villages to see my Grandma from my Mum's side. We got back to the city, in Harare, on the afternoon of Boxing Day (Dec 26th). All of us were tired and had an early night. This is because early the next morning, on the 27th, we had another road trip planned to go to the Nyanga Villages to visit my Mbuya ('Grandma') and Sekuru ('Grandpa') from my Dad's side. I dragged myself out of bed, showered, and packed my road-trip essentials into the car. I didn't need to pack much with me because we were just visiting for a day.


About three and a half hours on the main road, we took a turn and headed on to the dust road that leads to my Mbuya and Sekuru's home. The landscape in Nyanga is so lush and gorgeous! I love how beautiful it is!

My family and I obviously took a picture break. Who wouldn't? :) We took way too many pictures.... It was awesome!

Look how gorgeous my Mama is!! I love her.

After taking a 'million' pictures, we got back into the car and continued on our way to my grand parent's place. Thirty minutes later we arrived!!

The hut above is the kitchen area. It is where my Mbuya and Sekuru cook their meals. Close-by, they have a house which they sleep in.

Look at that view! My grandparents get to wake up to this EVERYDAY! Also they are rockstars at farming. Look at all that corn!

Me and my Daddy! You should know, I really am a Daddy's girl.

At every village, within about 5-10km of each cluster of homes, there is a community borehole. This is where people come to get their drinking and bathing water. It's very sanitary. The locals usually collect the water with buckets. We took a pit-stop at one of the boreholes to refill our water bottles.

We left my Ambuya and Sekuru's place at around 4pm to head back to Harare. It was so good to see them both after so long! We got home, in Harare, at around 8pm.

By this time I only had 3 days left in Zimbabwe. Of course my family and I planned for more awesome stuff to do. My last adventure in Zimbabwe was visiting the Lion and Cheetah Park! We got to see lots of lions, zebras and other wild life! You can check out details on that visit here on Part 3 of my 10 Days in Zimbabwe!


Rati :)


  1. Well done Rati for Part 2. Am enjoying the journey with you. I see kumusha did you well. Lovely pictures once again.

    1. Thank u :). Haha yes Kumusha definitely did me well. It was nice to see my Mbuya after so long too. I just posted the final part of the trip here .
      I hope you and Clem are great! (whoop whoop for 3 years!)

  2. Great article! Thanks for sharing I have used road trip essentials and I must say, they are great relief using outdoors.
