Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fresh Pumpkin Pie || SKOC

Ooh Gotta love that pumpkin. To be honest, buying this pumpkin was a random in the spur of the moment thing. I impulse buy sometimes. In fact this whole recipe is a result of impulse buying and baking.
The spring-form pan,
The actual baking of this pie.
All of it was impulse.
I live life on the edge. (Sarcasm)

I was actually presently surprised that it turned out good! Haha! I'm not doing a great job at selling this recipe to you now am I?

I live in the Netherlands so I actually had to bake the pumpkin from scratch.
Except the crust. That I bought from the store.
I should have made that from scratch though because it was too dry.
I am not American so this of course is not a traditional recipe. I just wanted to try it out.

Oh and a side note, I tried the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks for the first time and... it was very OK. haha! I would pick having an actual pumpkin pie over the PSL. I just don't get it.

I got the inspiration for this recipe from here!

So, here it is. my version of a fresh pumpkin pie.

1 Small Medium Pumpkin
1 Can Condensed Milk
1 tbsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Nutmeg
1/2 tsp Salt
Store bought Pie Crust (Or use a recipe like this. If you have the time and patience I strongly suggest making the crust from scratch.)


  1. Preheat the oven to 175C/400F
  2. Cut the pumpkin in half. Seed it. Spray the pumpkin with your choice of cooking oil. Bake until softened. (30-40 minutes).
  3. While you wait for the pumpkin to cool, Line the spring-form pan/pie pan with the pie crust.
  4. When the pumpkin has cooled, mash in up until its soft and smooth.
  5. Add the can of condensed milk. and mix until smooth.
  6. Whisk the two eggs and add the to the pumpkin mixture.
  7. Add all the spices and salt.
  8. Pour the mixture in the dish and cook for 30-45 minutes. The best way to check if it is completely cooked is to insert a knife in the middle. If it comes out smooth, it is ready.
  9. Leave the pie to completely cool.
  10. Serve cold! (or heat it u if you're into that.) Just a tip, this pie is best the next day :)

And voila! The pie is ready :)

Do add or remove ingredients as you wish.
Cooking is not a science.
Cooking is an art for the rebellious.
Go crazy you rebel!

I hope you all have been loving the fall season. It's one of my favorite times of the year.
I love the food and fashion that comes with fall! (Not crazy about the shorter days though.)
What do you love about fall?
Let me know! Tweet me @ojzzz 


Rati :)

Check out my latest YouTube video here! I talk about being 23!


  1. This looks so yum my dear…can't wait to try it out this weekend. Got enough pumpkin in my pantry. Many hugs and Happy Belated Birthday...

    1. Thank you Erene! I miss seeing updates on your blog :)
      Oh and tell me how the recipe turns out! Tag me in the picture of facebook or tweet it to me!
