Sunday, November 3, 2013

How to go to the Gym? [+ Update]

In June I was crazy busy with exams. Then I went away for the summer. I came back from my summer vacation in New York City at the end of August. I was there for about two months and it was beyond AMAZING. Then I moved to Amsterdam and started my internship. Then it was my birthday. Then it was this and that. So it feels like for the past five months I have been in a whirlwind of moving around and settling in. Now here I am, back to blogging again.

To be honest I've missed blogging, making recipes and just sharing with you all. Now I'll be back to regularly posting.

During my time in New York, I did not have a gym available that I could use. So my workouts consisted 3 simple things: running, jump rope and kettlebell (I ordered a 15lb kettlebell on ebay). On coming back to Netherlands, I joined a gym and I was so excited about it. I actually missed being in that stuffy enclosed space and sweating it off with strangers.

I got all my gym gear on. I walked into the gym ready to get back to it. But as soon as I entered, I felt slightly awkward. It felt as though I was at the gym for the first time. I went on the treadmill to start off with cardio. That part was fine and easy to get into. After cardio, it was time for weights.

The weight room is ALWAYS mostly full of guys. I never was one to be intimidated to walk into the weight room. But after a while from being in the gym, I felt out of place and unsure. I eventually  awkwardly finished my sort-of weight training.

I've been going to that gym now for about a month. So, yes, by now I have gotten over my gym awkwardness. I decided to write a few gym tips for those of you who have never used a gym or are just getting back to the gym after so long.

  • Dark Pants (Seriously don't ever wear any light color gym pants like grey. They show sweat marks and it looks horrible.)
  • Comfy top 
  • Comfy shoes
  • TOWEL!!!! (For you to wipe of your sweat and also wipe down the machines when you're done.)
  • Water Bottle (You will get thirsty.)

  • Most of the machines have pictures showing how to use them. if you're unsure ASK FOR HELP from the gym trainers. Most of the time they are happy to help. Don't shy away from the weight room just because you don't know how to use them.
  • And again. Wipe your machine after using it.

  • Music. (I prefer listening to my own playlist in the gym. It helps keep me motivated throughout my workout.)
  • Hand sanitizer. (After your workout its nice to wash your hands or sanitize them from all the machinery you've been touching.)

  • Plan your workout before going in. You'll be more effective.(e.g. 30 minutes run, 15 minutes bike, bicep curls, push-ups, squats, back, etc.)
  • If you can avoid it, don't answer calls during your Gym session. (Give yourself just one hour to focus on your workout. They can always call you later.)
  • The gym is not a competition. Don't allow yourself to feel insecure. You're there. So be there completely and use your time there wisely.

I hope this helps you out when you are getting back in the gym or starting out at the gym for the first time.
If you have any extra gym tips or suggestions for people starting out at the gym leave them in he comments below.

Speak to you soon :)



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