Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Eggplant Lasagna: The Mission to find the World's Best Lasagna.

If there was one type of food I could only eat for the rest of my life it would be LASAGNA!

Any kind of lasagna. 

Seriously, I love lasagna.

I'm on a mission to find the world's best lasagna.

argh, how many times can one person say lasagna in one post. (Pre-warning: it will be a LOT!)

I was talking to Maxulia (Check out their blog. They are the coolest people with a pretty awesome online space). So, about two nights ago we somehow got to talking about my love for lasagna. It came up briefly in conversation. Julia, (She is half of Maxulia), then asked me what my favorite type of lasagna is... and I didn't have an exact answer.

So here I am experimenting with lasagna to find out my favorite recipe.

I have to admit, about 4 months ago, I was so nervous about even trying to make lasagna. I have to thank my friend Petra for showing me how simple (but really involving) it is.

There is going to be many more lasagna recipes here in the future. I will experiment with anything edible. I'm quite excited. (Nutella lasagna anyone? Eww? No? Ok.)

And yes, to me, a good lasagna beats pizza... it even beats a good burger. And a like a good burger.

This recipe is pretty simple.

It's a perfect meal for two.

Start off with pre-heating your oven to 375F/190C.

Then grab:
  1. 1/2 a medium sized Eggplant. Chopped the way you like it.
  2. A handful of Broccoli.
  3. 3 tablespoons of Sweet Corn.
  4. A handful of Green Beans.
In a non stick pan, put enough olive oil to cook. (Enough for me is 1 tbsp or less. But do as you please. Live life on the edge. Be a rebel. With the olive oil that is.)

Toss the Eggplant in the pan until cooked. Then add the rest of the veggies and toss them till they are just cooked but still crispy. (That is just my preference. I hate overcooked veggies.)

Next, add about 1/2 a cup of Tomato Puree.

Make sure that it is enough to cover all the veggies and still is liquid-y. (Is that even a word?). Just make sure there is more than enough to cover the veggies.

Side note: I added Sriracha. Best hot sauce out there.

And a side note to the side note: My tomato puree is pre-flavored. If yours isn't, do add some Italian Spice mix and a bit of salt. Even pop in a clove of garlic and an onions with the veggies.

Grab a dish that is big enough. 

What is big enough?

Well, I used a round dish that is big enough for two. (Or one really, REALLY, hungry person.)

For the lasagna layering, use whichever brand of lasagna pasta you want. (Yes you rebel. You have free will!). The one pictured above is my favorite brand of no pre-cook lasagna pasta sheets. LONG LIVE BARILLA!

Now its time to build your lasagna. This is how the layers go:
  1. Spread the Eggplant Veggie Mix
  2. Sprinkle cut up slices of your favorite Cheese. (I like that old strong cheese. That Aged Gouda or Gruyere. YES!). Put as much cheese as what makes you happy.
  3. Cover with a layer of lasagna Pasta Sheets. (If you used a round dish like me, this may be the most challenging part of this whole recipe. They need to invent rounded lasagna noodles.)
Repeat this until the dish is full.

Make sure to finish the last layer with the Eggplant Veggie Mix and cheese on top.

Take about a 1/4 cup of water and pour it around the edges. This extra liquid will help it cook better.

Pop it in the oven for 45 minutes.

NOTE: Turn the dish around halfway through cook time. Also check the dish after 30 minutes. It might need more or less time depending on your oven and the types of pasta sheets you used.

If your dish isn't quite cooked yet but the top is already getting too brown. Just cover the top with foil paper and let it bake until it's ready.

While I waited, I cleared up the kitchen and went outside to enjoy the last few days of sunshine and warmth.

Then VOILA!!!

The lasagna is ready.

It's the perfect meal for two. 

I served it with some salad on the side. YUMMY!!

I hope you give the recipe a try. If you do, let me know in the comments.

Also let me know, what type of food you would eat for the rest of your life if you could only eat one thing?

If you liked this recipe and post, please like and share it.

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Rati :)

P.S. I wrote lasagna 19 times... OK now 20 times. You're lucky this wasn't a drinking game :D haha.

P.P.S. As you cook, add and remove as much things as you want. Cooking is an art for the rebellious. Do what you want to make it as tasty for you as you want. There are no rules.


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